Keeping Your Dogs Cool This Summer

Summer time is problematic when it comes to spending time with your favorite furry friends. You want them to enjoy the nice weather as much as you do, but you can't bear the thought of your dog being miserable, sick (or worse) because they overheat. So how can you and your companion enjoy the summer when it's 95° outside?
- Take your walks and trips to the dog park in the mornings or late afternoons. The hottest part of the day is typically between 10am and 3pm, so try to avoid going out during these times. You've probably been thinking about how you should work out in the morning anyway.
- Are you thinking about taking a road trip? Consider a beach or lake destination. Research dog friendly hotels or bed and breakfasts along the way.
- Not in the mood to travel anywhere? Your pup might enjoy playing in a kiddie pool or running through the sprinklers as much as you did when you were a kid. Some public swimming pools actually offer a dog-only day towards the end of the summer, where the dogs can go play with their friends and favorite floating toys in the nice cool water.
- Want an excuse to be outdoorsy this summer? Take your dog for a hike or go camping. Your dog will love sniffing all the trees around your tent as much as they'll love the cooler air. Just keep an eye on your friend before they wander off too far into the woods.
- Are you just looking for an afternoon out? Invite your friends and their dogs out for a drink. Many restaurants, bars, breweries and coffee shops have dog-friendly patios. Pick a table with a big umbrella and a big bowl of water so everyone can stay cool and comfortable.
- If a hot day isn't a good excuse for a frozen treat, then nothing is! Ask us for some ideas about frozen dog treats. If you can't find any for sale, you can try making one, it’s super easy!
Just remember a few incredibly important rules when you're planning your adventure:
- DON'T LEAVE THEM IN THE CAR!! Not even for "just a quick trip" into the store. We can't stress this enough. Your quick trip into the store could cost your friend their life. Just don't do it. Please.
- Make sure they have water at all times.
- Dog paws are more sensitive than you think, so try not to make them walk over a lot of hot asphalt or concrete.
- Dogs can get sunburned too! Consider using a dog sunscreen, especially if you have a light-haired, light-skinned dog.
- Did we mention not leaving your dog in the car? Because that's really important. NEVER LEAVE YOUR DOG IN THE CAR!
- Watch your pup for signs of heatstroke and hyperthermia, such as excessive panting, lethargy, tremors, or a wobbly uncoordinated walk. If you see these, get your dog into a cool environment and call your vet ASAP.
Have a happy, safe, and cool summer!