The Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas holiday trifecta is traditionally characterized by festive and sometimes flamboyant displays of decorations. While many of these decorations are considered benign to the health and safety of you and your family, you may want to consider how they affect your pets. Dogs are the most likely culprits of gobbling up a poisonous holiday plant, so its important to take certain precautions when decorating your home for the holidays.
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It's that time of the year again where food is everywhere around the house! Turkey, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, cranberry sauce, stuffing, green beans, and other foods might be safe for humans, but pet owners need to be aware of what leftovers can be harmful to their furry friends. Here is a list of common holiday consumables to keep away from your pet.
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Just as exercise is an important aspect for healthy living in humans, so is it to pets. In order for your pet to be active, exercising should be encouraged every now and again. Cats may not require long continuous exercise like dogs as they have differing levels of energy. Here are some benefits that come with exercising your pet...
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Most pet owners are convinced that their furry family members have feelings, too. Fans of the animal-free lifestyle often express their skepticism, but proof of animals' emotions is well-documented. It's evident that common household pets (such as cats and dogs) are capable of expressing basic feelings of fear, excitement, contentment, and yes - even anxiety.
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While we are all enjoying the summer sun and the activities that come with it, we may sometimes forget about our furry friends' reaction to the heat. Heat exhaustion can occur in any hot or humid space, even in a poorly ventilated indoor area. At the peak of the summer season, August is one of the hottest months of the year. With this, keeping pets cool and hydrated is of the utmost importance.
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