
6 Reasons Why You Should Be Changing Your Pet's Food
Should you be changing your pet's food regularly? We may be used to feeding our furry friends the same food but there are a variety of reasons why their food should be switched up every once in a while. These reasons include their life stage, activity level, dietary deficiencies and the development of allergies.
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Tips for Keeping Your Cat Relaxed
If your cat is particularly ornery or you are bringing home a new kitten, here are a few tips for a stress free environment. First, there are plenty of ways to tell if your cat is stressed. A cat will...
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How to Greet a Dog
Dogs are friendly, social animals, and a proper greeting is essential to establish and maintain the correct, safe human-dog relationship in a pack hierarchy. Whether you are greeting your own pet, a friend’s familiar dog, a working animal, or any...
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The Joys of Dog Toys
Toys--we all love them! From tiny tots' blocks and teddy bears, to grown ups' cars and tools, toys make life more fun! But you don't have to be human to enjoy the benefits of a good plaything. Dogs love them...
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